Summary Recommendations - ESRA
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New: Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy


Summary Recommendations

PROSPECT provides clinicians with supporting arguments for and against the use of various interventions in postoperative pain based on published evidence and expert opinion. Clinicians must make judgements based upon the clinical circumstances and local regulations. At all times, local prescribing information for the drugs referred to must be consulted.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the gold standard for gallbladder removal due to its minimally invasive nature and improved patient outcomes (Rosero and Joshi 2017). However, significant postoperative pain may affect patient comfort and recovery.

The aim of this systematic review was to develop updated PROSPECT recommendations for postoperative pain management after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, based on evidence published since the previous PROSPECT recommendations (Kehlet 2005; Barazanchi 2018). These recommendations aim to optimise pain relief, reduce the incidence of adverse events and enhance patient recovery and satisfaction.

The unique PROSPECT methodology is described at This systematic review was conducted according to the published methodology (Joshi 2019). The process of formulating the recommendations involved critical assessment of the available literature and careful balancing of the benefits and adverse effects of each intervention in the clinical context. PROSPECT methodology has been updated now for future reviews (Joshi 2023).

This systematic review included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and systematic reviews published in the English language from August 2017 to December 2022, and assessing the effect of analgesic, anaesthetic or surgical interventions on postoperative pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

This review is registered on PROSPERO: CRD42023387991.

Summary of recommendations and key evidence for pain management in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Systemic analgesia

Paracetamol and NSAIDs or COX-2-selective inhibitors are recommended as part of basic multimodal analgesia, and should be administered before or during the surgical procedure and continued up to 72 h postoperatively, if there are no contraindications

  • Basic analgesia is recommended according to the PROSPECT approach (Joshi 2019)
  • Additional procedure-specific evidence from a meta-analysis also supported this approach (Huang 2017)
IV dexamethasone is recommended

Gabapentinoids are recommended when basic analgesia is not possible

  • Gabapentinoids might be used if basic analgesia is not an option, such as in patients with hypersensitivity or contraindications to NSAIDs, but their use requires caution due to sedation or dizziness
  • Despite positive analgesic effects, routine administration of gabapentinoids is not recommended due to the risk of side effects, especially over-sedation, dizziness and visual disturbance, which can affect postoperative recovery as laparoscopic cholecystectomy is primarily performed on day care basis (Verret 2020; Deljou 2018)
Opioids should only be used as rescue analgesics if other interventions are insufficient due to their potential side effects and the impact on patient comfort and recovery

  • Opioids are potent analgesics that can provide immediate and effective pain relief
  • However, they have a range of side effects, including nausea and vomiting, constipation and ileus, dizziness and respiratory depression. These side effects can ultimately delay recovery and even adversely affect patient comfort

Regional techniques

Port-site wound infiltration or intraperitoneal LA installation are recommendeda

ESP block and TAP block are recommended as second-lineb regional techniques

The choice of regional technique depends on many important clinical factors: experience of the anaesthetist, patient factors and expected level of postoperative pain, and the type of hospitalisation (outpatient vs. in patient care)

Surgical techniques

Various techniques are advised to minimise postoperative pain. These include:

However, the preferred technique should be left to the surgeon’s experience

At the end of surgery, it is beneficial to perform local saline irrigation (Barazanchi 2018; Chung 2017) and to ensure sufficient aspiration of the remaining pneumoperitoneum (Kim 2022; Abuelzein 2023)

a. When regional techniques are combined, care should be taken not to exceed the threshold dose for systemic toxicity of local anaesthetics

b. In specific situations (for example, redo surgery, chronic opioid users or patients with chronic pain, high pain responders) these techniques can be useful and provide effective analgesia.

COX, cyclooxygenase; ESP, erector spinae plane; IV, intravenous; LA, local anaesthetic; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PONV, postoperative nausea and vomiting; TAP, transversus abdominis plane.

Analgesic interventions that are not recommended for pain management in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.


Reasons for not recommending

IV lidocaine Risk of side effects
OFA Conflicting evidence and risk of side effects
Gabapentinoids Risk of side effects
IV ketamine infusion Risk of side effects
Duloxetine Insufficient evidence
Nefopam Lack of evidence
Clonidine Inconsistent evidence
High-dose NMDA Insufficient evidence
Lidocaine patch/nicotine patch Lack of evidence
Esmolol Lack of evidence
IV dexmedetomidine Risk of side effects
Pulmonary recruitment manoeuvres Lack of evidence
Extended intra-operative hyperventilation Lack of evidence
Meditation/audio-visual education/ acupressure/foot massage/aroma oil/oral carbohydrate solution/deep anaesthesia Insufficient evidence
Regional techniques
Administration of intraperitoneal LA installation before surgery Insufficient evidence
Intraperitoneal addition of dexmedetomidine or tramadol to the LA mixture Insufficient evidence
Low concentration LA mixtures for intraperitoneal use Insufficient evidence
Intraperitoneal fentanyl or ondansetron Lack of evidence
Quadratus lumborum block Conflicting evidence
Rectus sheath block Insufficient evidence
Paravertebral block Risk of side effects
Spinal or epidural anaesthesia Risk of side effects
Surgical techniques
Infra-umbilical incision Lack of evidence
Single-port techniques and mini-port techniques Lack of evidence
Routine drainage Conflicting evidence
Low flow insufflation/NOTES Insufficient evidence

IV, intravenous; LA, local anaesthetic; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; NOTES, natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery; OFA, opioid-free anaesthesia.

Overall recommendations for procedure-specific pain management in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Pre-operative drugs
  • Pre-operative IV paracetamol and NSAIDs/COX-2-selective inhibitors are recommended
Intra-operative drugs
  • If not administered pre-operatively, IV paracetamol and
    NSAIDs/COX-2-selective inhibitors are recommended
  • IV dexamethasone is recommended
Regional techniques
  • Port-site wound infiltration or intraperitoneal LA installation are recommendeda
  • ESP block and TAP block are recommended as second-lineb regional techniques
Surgical techniques
  • 3-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy is recommended
  • Low pressure peritoneum (<12 mmHg) is recommended
  • Umbilical port extraction is recommended
  • Active aspiration of the pneumoperitoneum is recommended
  • Normal saline irrigation is recommended
Postoperative drugs
  • Paracetamol and NSAIDs/COX-2-selective inhibitors are recommended up to 72 h postoperatively
  • Opioids as rescue are recommended
  • Gabapentinoids are recommended when basic analgesia is not possiblWhen regional techniques are combined, care should be taken not to exceed the threshold dose for systemic toxicity of local anaestheticsWhen regional techniques are combined, care should be taken not to exceed the threshold dose for systemic toxicity of local anaestheticsa. When regional techniques are combined, care should be taken not to exceed the threshold dose for systemic toxicity of local anaesthetics

a. When regional techniques are combined, care should be taken not to exceed the threshold dose for systemic toxicity of local anaesthetics

b. In specific situations (for example, redo surgery, chronic opioid users or patients with chronic pain, high pain responders) these techniques can be useful and provide effective analgesia.

COX, cyclooxygenase; ESP, erector spinae plane; IV, intravenous; LA, local anaesthetic; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; TAP, transversus abdominis plane.