Editorial - ESRA

ESRA Updates

Nuala Lucas (Co-Editor of ESRA Updates, Norwick Park Hospital, Harrow, UK) @noolslucas


The editorial board of ESRA Updates welcomes you to the first edition of 2022

As the acute phase of the pandemic passes, we look forward to the return of face-to-face meetings. Online technology has helped us deliver some tremendous regional anaesthesia education, and we are proud of the virtual meetings we have held over the last two years. Despite these innovations and successes, face-to-face meetings offer unparalleled opportunities for learning, gaining experience, professional networking and making friends! We are very excited about the 39th Annual Congress held in Thessaloniki, Greece 22-25 June. The Scientific and Local Organizing Committees have worked tirelessly to deliver a truly outstanding programme. The four days of the programme provide comprehensive and unrivalled education in regional anaesthesia, including State of the Art Lectures, Networking Sessions, Expert Opinion and Panel Discussions, the ever-popular PRO-CON Debates. What will make this ESRA congress exceptional is the provision of practical teaching; Hands-On Clinical and Cadaver Workshops, Live Demonstrations on Models, alongside Live Demonstrations from the operating room with simultaneous Streaming. Finally, the Congress is an excellent opportunity for Residents, Trainees and Fellows to showcase their regional anaesthesia work in the Free Papers and ePosters Sessions. The submission process for abstracts is open, and we encourage everyone invited to submit their work for inclusion in the ESRA Best Free Paper and Best Abstract Award competitions! If you want to know more about the Congress, check out the articles in this edition of Updates about the abstract submission process and Trainees Corner.

If you need to top-up your regional anaesthesia continuing professional development before the Congress, you don’t have to wait too long. We are excited about our European Day on March 19th. Featuring discussions about awake knee and shoulder surgery, paraspinal block and post caesarean section analgesia, we are sure this will be a fun, informative day!

The time is now for regional anaesthesia. This edition of ESRA Updates is packed full of interesting reading – Journal Club, Regional Anaesthesia Training during COVID-19 and a thought-provoking commentary on the problem of vascular puncture during regional anaesthesia. All well worth a read!

Finally, we must mention the terrible events that we have seen unfold in Ukraine over the last week. The entire ESRA team wants to express its condemnation of the violence in Ukraine and our solidarity with those suffering because of the incursion. We are grateful to Dr Dmytriiev, who has shared some of his experiences of the last few days with us. The situation in Ukraine is uncertain, and we do not know how events will unfold over the coming weeks. Our thoughts are with all those affected by the conflict. ESRA stands with Dr Dmytriiev and all our colleagues in Ukraine.

Topics: Congress , European Day of Regional Anaesthesia , Ukraine

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