Dear Partner,
In addition to its famous Annual Congress, ESRA organizes 6 to 8 accredited cadaver and standard workshops every year.
The first Cadaver Workshops (RA & Pain) in 2024 take place on 19-22 February and the second ones on 13-14 June, all in Innsbruck.
High Level, Intense Hands-On Clinical practice is provided during these Workshops with small groups of participants surrounded by Key Opinion Leaders from all over Europe.
Lectures, practical sessions and stimulating discussions will be led by leading experts in the field of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Management.
After expert lectures, the workshop is focused on hands-on practice using fresh frozen and fixed/standard cadavers. Participants will acquire a sound knowledge of ultrasound imaging and needling techniques.
These two-days intensive hands-on cadaver workshop is offering physicians the opportunity to improve their skills in Regional Anaesthesia and in chronic block procedures.
We would like to invite industry to collaborate with us in the field of education and promotion of interventional RA and Pain Medicine.
It is a unique and intimate hands-on learning experience with active ultrasound scanning!
Please find here above the sponsorship opportunities for these workshops and the others ESRA events.
3,000€ non-exclusive partner
6,000€ exclusive partner
Any question? Please contact our Industry Manager Béatrice TORRI via the following form.
"*" indicates required fields
We would like to thank B. Braun, Flat Medical, GE Healthcare and Pajunk for their support in helping us putting this event together.
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