Why become an ESRA member? - ESRA

ESRA Updates

March 2022 | Issue 08

Why become an ESRA member?

Thomas Volk (ESRA Past-President, Saarland University Hospital, Germany) @ThomasVolk16
Clara Lobo (Editor of ESRA Updates; Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, UAE) @claralexlobo

Renewal is the main thing most people have in mind when they reach the final days of the year and prepare for a new beginning.

2021 year started with a new hope – COVID-19 vaccine – and, although with several bumps caused by pandemic waves all over Europe, ESRA managed to organize several presential meetings: the 5th ESRA Sunny Autumn in Algarve – Portugal, the XVIII ESRA Eastern European Cadaver Workshop – Hungary and the ESRA Cadaver Workshop in Witten-Herdeck – Germany. These meetings were highly attended and ESRA received great reviews from all the delegates.

We are preparing several events, presential and virtual, for the upcoming year of 2022. The pandemic appears to have a less impact in travel and gatherings. You can find the upcoming Workshops here.

Now that the new year started, ESRA membership can be renewed.

Why should you become an ESRA member?
ESRA Major Officers will share their early experience as ESRA members.

Thomas Volk testimony:

I was trained in a university hospital where Epidurals were standard for abdominal surgery and Spinals had just to be established for C-Sections. When I became responsible for orthopedic anesthesia, peripheral blocks were uncommon and exclusively performed using nerve stimulation. It soon became clear, that ESRA is THE address for those seeking knowledge. The whow-effects in anatomy and during patient treatments never stopped since my first successful block. There also is another component, which can be felt immediately: And this is the ESRAs spirit of respect and friendship.

Clara Lobo testimony:

I fell in love with Regional Anaesthesia very early in my career in Anaesthesiology. I was a 2nd year resident when I saw an axillary plexus block for the first time. My first annual ESRA congress was that year and since then the first two weeks of September have the ESRA stamp on my calendar.

My other passion suffered a slower growth, more mature but keeping the same flame: Pain Therapy. I am lucky to have them both in my clinical practice.

ESRA became my second home.

The place where I learn, exchange experiences and knowledge with the best and most renowned and celebrated leaders in the field of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Therapy.

I was elected Secretary General in September 2019. Being inside of its organization made more aware of how important it is to develop tools for education and promote research, including all stakeholders (industry partners, education partners, patients and members).

During this intense journey, within the ESRA, I found wonderful and simple people, that are there for the knowledge, the science and the education. There are no barriers between teacher and student, no frontiers between faculty and attendant.

The easy-sharing environment, the cozy atmosphere are the true hallmarks of ESRA. ESRA appreciates and respects everyone, despite the diversity of its more than 6000 members around the world. Welcome to the ESRA Family.

Topics: Benefits , ESRA member

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