What’s new inside ESRA - ESRA

ESRA Updates

November 2021 | Issue 06

What’s new inside ESRA

Clara Lobo (Editor of ESRA Updates; Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, UAE) @claralexlobo

Change is part of life! And it is with new blood that societies renew and evolve. Nevertheless, it is also true that we should not change a winning team!

As the Secretary General of ESRA I am happy to present our members some of the changes and “non-changes” on ESRA People, since September 2021 and for the next 3 years.

This September, ESRA held elections in its social frameworks and added to the structure of committees with the creation of the ESRA International Committee.

My sincere congratulations to Eleni Moka (Greece) for her re-election as ESRA Treasurer for the second term (2021-2024). I wish to pay tribute and a sincere recognition to her excellent job, as the leader of our financial affairs.
ESRA board kept Enrico Barbara (Italy) for his second term (2021-2024). The departure of José Aguirre (Switzerland) from the ESRA board was filled with the arrival of Eric Albrecht (Switzerland) who will start his first term (2021-2024). Congratulations for both members of ESRA Board.

The Committees are important structures of ESRA, maintaining the spirit and creativity behind the scenes. Some Chairs finished their first term and accepted the invitation from the ESRA Board to continue for another term: the Education and ESRA day committees remained unchanged for another 3 years, with Chairs Marc Van de Velde (Belgium) and Sebastien Bloc (France), respectively. As for the e-ESRA Committee, Luc Mercadal (France) will have José Aguirre (Switzerland) as co-Chair in the next term.
José Aguirre (Switzerland) ended his term as Chair of the EDRA Committee and was succeeded by Morné Wolmarans (UK). Peter Merjavy (UK) stepped in as the new Vice-Chair for EDRA Part 2 and Andrea Saporito (Switzerland) and Balaji Packianathaswamy (UK) as a member and co-opted member of the EDRA board, respectively. Felicitations to all of the new members of EDRA board.

The number of non-European members has been increasing in recent years, accounting for about 15% of ESRA members. In recognition, the ESRA board decided to acknowledge and welcome members from other non-European communities, giving them a voice inside the society, through the ESRA International Committee, led by Alain Delbos (France), Past President, and Patrick Narchi (France), Ambassador Program Chair, as Chairs. Communities with more than 30 members are eligible to elect a representative to take a seat at this Committee, for a period of 3 years (renewable once). In September 2021, non-European communities with more than 30 members are: India (157), United States of America (100), Australia (96), Japan (83) and South Africa (48).

ESRA Major Officers and Board are very excited with this new internal organization and have the best expectations from all the members involved, working for the benefit of the ESRA and its members, promoting education and research in peri-operative medicine, regional anaesthesia, chronic therapy and PoCUS.
To see who’s who inside ESRA follow the link: https://esraeurope.org/team/

Topics: ESRA People , ESRA website

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