The 6th ESRA Residents & Trainees workshop, Porto, Portugal - ESRA

ESRA Updates

May 2024 | Issue 15

The 6th ESRA Residents & Trainees workshop, Porto, Portugal

Lara Ribeiro (EDRA diplomat, Hospital de Braga, Portugal)
Josip Azman (Linkoping University Hospital, Sweden)
Vivien Penning-Titze (ESRA Events Manager) @vivien_pt
Clara Lobo (Editor of ESRA Updates; Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, UAE) @claralexlobo

The 6th ESRA Residents and Trainees workshop has been an absolute blast with its 72 participants from 20 different countries. The participants could enjoy two whole days of education with lots of hands-on practice and simulation training. The incredible dedicated international faculty led by Lara Gonçalves Ribeiro from Portugal and Josip Azman from Sweden did a great job together with ESRA’s Events Manager Vivien Penning-Titze and once again succeeded in offering high quality education for an affordable price.

The ESRA R&T workshop is accredited with a maximum of 16.0 European CME credits and with 11 EDRA points. Therefore, if you need a superb and dynamic education in regional anaesthesia with CME points and/or prepare for the EDRA exam – plan your trip to Porto in April 2025 when the 7th ESRA R&T workshop is planned. Keep an eye on the ESRA website because this year we were fully booked months before the workshop started.
Thanks a million to our superb faculty and the Hospital das Forças Armadas and Simulation Centre in Porto!
See you next year in Portugal!

Topics: Residents & Trainees , Residents Course

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