Season Greetings - ESRA

ESRA Updates

December 2021 | Issue 07

Season Greetings

Thomas Volk (ESRA Past-President, Saarland University Hospital, Germany) @ThomasVolk16

Dear Colleagues and friends,

A huge dose of joy and happiness is what we all need right now!

It’s been a crazy and unprecedented year for all of us, where the spotlight shone brighter than ever on the importance of research and collaboration.

Now that the year 2021 is coming to an end, it is not too much to recognize and thank our members, faculty, sister societies and sponsors for their unconditional trust and support.

ESRA is stepping into a new year being stronger than ever. Despite all the adversity, we managed to organize: ESRA’s webinars, ESRA Virtual congress, ESRA Monothematic meeting in Algarve and ESRA’s cadaver workshops in Budapest and Witten. All of them were successful and appreciated by all involved.

ESRA never had so many members as today! We are a community with more than 6000 members all over the world! Registration will open in January 2022, click here to join or renew your membership. ESRA will not stop! And we are preparing the upcoming new year with virtual and presential events, with high expectations on the ESRA Annual meeting, in Thessaloniki in June! We hope to find you there!

Finally, may this holiday season be one of the most memorable ones.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family!

Topics: Happy new year 2022 , Merry Christmas

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