ESRA annual congress 2022 - ESRA

ESRA Updates

November 2021 | Issue 06

ESRA annual congress 2022

Eleni Moka (ESRA President, Creta Interclinic Hospital, HHG - Heraklion-Crete, Greece) @mokaeleni
Alain Delbos (ESRA Past President; Medipole Garonne, France) @alaindelbos

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the Scientific Committee and the 2022 Local Organizing Committee (LOC 2022) of the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy (ESRA), we have the pleasure and privilege to invite and welcome you to Thessaloniki – Greece, for the 39th ESRA Annual Congress, taking place in June 22 – 25, 2022.

We were so saddened when we had to postpone our presential Annual Congress twice, in 2020 and 2021, but public health was and remains our priority. Instead, last September we organized a successful fully virtual event, by pivoting the scientific program into a totally new digital format, which was challenging but ensured that people from all around the world could meet safely online.

As the world emerges from COVID–19, we are excited to announce our plan to provide a safe, strong, inspiring, innovative, face–to–face meeting, in the magnificent city of Thessaloniki, along the seaside, and we are highly optimistic that we will be able to safely meet again in person, after prolonged pandemic–related restrictions.

The ESRA Annual Congress is currently considered as one of the largest, world–class platforms for clinicians and scientists, within the rapidly evolving Regional Anaesthesia (RA), Perioperative Care and Chronic Pain Therapy Communities. It offers multiple possibilities for networking with more than 2.500 healthcare professionals from all over the world, as well as the opportunity to promote interprofessionalism, share cutting–edge research and renew clinical management skills. In this context, and following the well–known ESRA tradition, we made an intentional effort to redesign an exceptionally diverse and high–standards scientific program, that would be of interest to both young and experienced RA and Chronic Pain enthusiasts.

«We are going through an exciting time for both RA and Pain Therapy, with both subspecialties still growing and evolving in a challenging healthcare environment.»

We are going through an exciting time for both RA and Pain Therapy, with both subspecialties still growing and evolving in a challenging healthcare environment. The chosen theme of the 39th ESRA Annual Congress is “Shaping the Future of RA, Perioperative Care & Pain Therapy”, reflecting our intentions to provide a perspective on how RA, Perioperative Care and Pain Medicine practices have stood the test of time and coronavirus pandemic, along with highlighting exciting new innovative techniques or therapies, that could be proven as beneficial for our patients in the future.

Among all program elements, one needs to underline state–of–the–art presentations on our fields of interest, as well as key–note lectures on new insights, ranging from basic and translational science to clinical research and therapeutic interventions. Contemporary developments and recent clinical findings will be presented and discussed, and the latest related evidence will be debated, on areas such as application and daily practice of Regional Anaesthesia/Analgesia, Patients’ Perioperative Care, POCUS, as well as Acute and Chronic Pain Management aspects.

The congress format will encourage interactivity, framed by your input, engagement and proaction. We have created a high–quality, world–renowned, experts–filled scientific program, modified, and focused on enforcing networking between faculty and the audience, which is considered of utmost importance. A variety of interactive sessions have been planned to be expanded in 12 parallel halls, consisting of Networking Sessions, Symposia, Experts’ Panel Discussions, Instructional Refreshing your Knowledge & Ask the Expert Lectures, 2nd Opinion Discussions with concluding Consensus, Luncheon and Tips & Tricks Sessions, Problem–Based Learning & Complex Cases Discussions, as well as PRO–CON Debates. Interestingly, voting and ask the speaker features will be available via the congress app, further enforcing interactivity and audience participation. Special Hands–On Clinical and Cadaver Workshops will also be organized, dedicated to one–by–one, in–person training by experts, in small groups of participants, whereas Live Demonstration of Interventional Techniques Application on Patients for Chronic Pain Management will take place inside the Operating Room of Local Hospital Facilities. In addition to the main stage of the congress, the new concept of 360o Open Simulation Courses will be another striking point, that will feature faculty and delegates with “true” practice perspectives, whereas the exhibition area set up will provide more time for interactivity with our valued sponsors and exhibitors.

«There is nothing to beat social contact and physical networking.»

Further, the 2022 ESRA Annual Congress will deliver multiple exciting learning opportunities specifically designed for Residents, Trainees and Fellows, including but not limited to Free Papers and E–Posters Sessions. All are cordially invited to submit their work for inclusion in the ESRA Resident Best Free Paper and Best Abstract Award competitions. Last but not least, written and oral exams of the well–established EDRA and EDPM Diplomas will take place in parallel with the congress main scientific program.

Finally, a variety of social events will be organized, including the well–known opening ceremony and networking reception in the heart of the city, at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall, the ever–popular Trainees & Diplomates reception, by the sea, along with some local and traditional flavour, the famous ESRA Fun Run, and the ESRA Annual Networking Dinner at an exceptional spot across the seaside.

We cannot think of any better location for next June to offer this substantive assortment of new and traditional educational offerings on RA, Perioperative Care and Chronic Pain Therapy, than the vibrant city of Thessaloniki in Greece, internationally renowned for its history, culture, entertainment, nightlife and fine dining. We are convinced that by next summer hygienic conditions will allow the presence of our members and community. There is nothing to beat social contact and physical networking; therefore we are looking forward to meeting you again in person and sharing the highest quality scientific contributions, as well as the professional and social exchanges this magnificent city will foster during the 39th ESRA Annual Congress in 2022.

Looking at a brighter future, we are counting on your support, enthusiasm and interactive participation, to share with you the occasion of this ESRA Congress, in a friendly ambience, for another memorable experience and for celebrating the 40th anniversary since the society establishment.

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Topics: Congress , ESRA Workshops , Pain Medicine , Pain therapy , Regional Anaesthesia

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