ESRA 1st Infographic competition - ESRA

ESRA Updates

October 2023 | Issue 13

ESRA 1st Infographic competition

Clara Lobo (Editor of ESRA Updates; Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, UAE) @claralexlobo

The three winners of the 1st ESRA Infographic competition
From left to right: Amr Hassan, Ashwani Gupta & Patrick Schuldt

We are thrilled to share the excitement and success of the 1st ESRA Infographic Competition, a remarkable highlight of the recently concluded World Congress of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine (#ESRAWorld2023) held in the mesmerizing city of Paris from September 6th to 9th, 2023. This competition not only showcased the convergence of art and science but also celebrated the passion and innovation of our community members and attendees from all over the world.

An Infographic Festival

The 1st ESRA Infographic Competition was a platform to present complex topics and research findings in a visually appealing and easily digestible format. Infographics have become a powerful tool in the field of medicine, allowing us to communicate critical information more effectively and with an appealing visual. With entries from around the world, our competition emphasized the importance of simplifying intricate concepts for better understanding.

The Jury’s Task

The jury was composed of Steve Coppens, Paolo Grossi, Brian Kinirons, Clara Lobo, Ana Patricia Pereira & Julien Raft

The esteemed panel of judges faced a challenging task of selecting the top 10 infographics from a pool of impressive submissions. These infographics covered a wide range of topics, from innovative regional anaesthesia techniques to the latest advances in pain medicine. The competition truly represented the diverse interests and expertise within our community.

Without further ado, we are pleased to announce the top three infographics:

  • 1st Place: Regional anesthesia and acute compartment syndrome – Are we talking the same language?
    Author(s): Patrick Schuldt
    Prize: Certificate and Prize money of 500€

click to enlarge

  • 2nd Place: Don’t Always Blame the Block
    Author(s): Dania Becker (represented by co-author Ashwani Gupta)
    Prize: Certificate and Prize money of 350€

click to enlarge

  • 3rd Place Ultrasound Facilitated Neuraxial Anaesthesia
    Author(s): Amr Hassan
    Prize: Certificate and Prize money of 250€

click to enlarge

These remarkable infographics stood out for their creativity, clarity, and ability to convey complex information. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the winners.

Acknowledging All Participants

ESRA truly acknowledges all the participants, especially the other 7 of 10 selected infographics, for their dedication and contribution to the success of this competition and sharing the light over difficult topics. Your hard work and commitment to advancing our field have not gone unnoticed, and we applaud your efforts in sharing your knowledge through innovative visual storytelling.

Fostering Innovation and Knowledge Sharing

ESRA’s 1st Infographic Competition was not just about winning; it was about fostering a culture of innovation and knowledge sharing. It provided a platform for our members to present their work, exchange ideas, and inspire others in the field of regional anaesthesia and pain medicine. The infographics showcased during this competition will serve as valuable resources for professionals and trainees alike.

A Bright Future Ahead

As we celebrate the success of the 1st Infographic Competition, we also look ahead with enthusiasm. We anticipate that this event will become a cherished tradition at future ESRA congresses, serving as a testament to our commitment to staying at the forefront of medical communication and education.

We extend our gratitude to all those who participated in the competition, the judges who dedicated their time and expertise. Together, we are shaping the future of regional anaesthesia and pain medicine.

Thank you for being a part of this momentous occasion, and we can’t wait to see the innovations and insights that our community will bring to the next ESRA Infographic Competition.

See you in Prague!

Topics: Art , Creativity , ESRA , Infographic , Science , WCRAPM

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