Cooperation between ESRA & sister societies - ESRA

ESRA Updates

July 2022 | Issue 09

Cooperation between ESRA & sister societies

Clara Lobo (Editor of ESRA Updates; Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, UAE) @claralexlobo

“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” – African proverb

ESRA truly believes in cooperation, alliance, partnership to work together for the development and establishment of science, safety and good practice of all the dominions of Anaesthesia. Of course, the main targets are perioperative care, regional anaesthesia and pain medicine, either acute or chronic pain.

With this partnership, we will work together to meet the most noble of the objectives: Education.

The 39th ESRA Annual Congress opened the door of opportunity to strength ties for the creation of alliances between ESRA and its Sister Societies: AFSRA, AOSRA, ASRA and LASRA.

With this collaboration, we will be stronger.

With this cooperation, we will build bridges and mills.

The possibilities are infinite and underway there are new activities that positively will have an impact on research, safety and better care in Europe and all over the World.

The first endeavour that we can announce are a series of joint ESRA-Sister Society webinars, in 2023.

ESRA will meet her Sisters again, in Paris, to celebrate together the next World Congress of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, 6-9 September 2023.

Topics: AFSRA , AOSRA , ASRA , ESRA , LASRA , Sister Societies

ASRA-PM and ESRA's Path to Collective Success

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