Call for Abstracts! - ESRA

ESRA Updates

March 2022 | Issue 08

Call for Abstracts!

Eleni Moka (ESRA President, Creta Interclinic Hospital, HHG - Heraklion-Crete, Greece) @mokaeleni
Alain Delbos (ESRA Past President; Medipole Garonne, France) @alaindelbos


ESRA is very excited to invite you to the first annual congress after the pandemic – 39th ESRA annual congress, 22nd-25th June 2022 in Thessaloniki, Greece!

We will finally meet in person, having the splendid sea view landscape in our retina and appreciating the Greek food in our palate, while sharing knowledge, clinical experience and research in Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine.

The deadline for submission of your work is approaching fast! The ESRA Abstracts Committee is happy to recognize so many submissions so far and decided to extend the deadline until the end of March!!

We really appreciate your efforts and contribution and wish to recognize the best ones with the following awards:

  • The prizes for the best RA and the best Pain free paper are EUR 1,500 for the first place, EUR 1,000 for the second place and EUR 750 for the third place.
  • The prizes for the best RA and the best Pain ePosters are EUR 750 for the first place, EUR 500 for the second place and EUR 250 for the third place.

Abstract prizes are awarded to those judged by the Scientific Committee to be the best submissions of their category. These prizes are chosen based on scores from abstracts submitted, and abstract presented either in an Oral or E-Poster format. The presenting author must be a trainee or resident to be considered for the abstract prizes.

If you prefer, you can send us your educational video and apply for the ESRA Educational Video competition.

  • The prizes for the best Educational Video are EUR 1000 for the first place, EUR 750 for the second place and EUR 500 for the third place.

The Best Free Paper, Best E-Poster Presenter and Best Educational Video award winners will be announced during the ESRA Awards Ceremony at the ESRA 2022 Congress. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive their prize after the Congress.

Hope to see you there!

Topics: Best abstract , Best paper , Best video , ESRA Annual meeting

14th Congress of The European Pain Federation (EFIC)

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