The e-ESRA Committee is looking for 4 enthusiastic ESRA members to join the Committee.
The e-ESRA congress is an ESRA internet–based activity, a unique educational concept, that has been embraced by all Regional Anaesthesia (RA) & Pain Medicine (PM) Sister Societies, and which brought a new dimension of online education, for a maximum learning outcome. This educational activity is repeated annually and is attracting many delegates. Interesting lectures of short duration, podcasts and videos, as well as Live Demonstration Sessions, presented during this online conference, are recorded and become available for replay, via the ESRA Academy.
The e-ESRA Committee plays a pivotal role in disseminating education and promoting the use of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine techniques on a global scale. It focuses on the flawless planning, preparation, and organization. Its role is to oversee the execution of the activity, confront challenges, and involve as many RA and PM practitioners as possible worldwide, that can be connected online from the comfort of their environments. The scope is to foster collaborations, create partnerships and engage unity, to further promote the value of education and training beyond barriers.
Committee members will be expected to attend several online meetings per year as well as if possible an in person meeting at the annual ESRA congress.
More information about the Committee and its role can be found in the terms of reference available here.
The term of office is 3 years, renewable once (for a second term of another 3 years).
The term of office starts at the ESRA Council Meeting during the ESRA Annual congress usually taking place in September.
– Help the most prestigious medical association of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine in Europe
– Make a difference by supporting your community!
– Meet and collaborate with the best RA and Pain specialists in the field in Europe!
Have a say – get involved!
The candidate must:
– Be an ordinary ESRA member from a European ESRA zone
– Be a physician
– Have experience in medical education either at a local, national or international level
– Be fluent in English (written/spoken)
In line with the new, upcoming ESRA DEI policy we are keen to diversify the Committee membership and encourage all interested ESRA members to apply.
Please send your application by email to, including:
– A CV (short version)
– A motivation letter including the reasons for wishing to join the e-ESRA Committee. This should be one page maximum and should include one idea how the event could be improved.
Deadline to apply: Sunday March 30th 2025
The e-ESRA Committee will vote in June. Successful members will be informed at the annual scientific meeting in Oslo in September 2025 following ratification by the ESRA Board.
For further information, please contact:
Dr. José Aguirre
Chair e-ESRA
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