ESRA Day 2022! - ESRA

ESRA Updates

December 2021 | Issue 07

ESRA Day 2022!

Clara Lobo (Editor of ESRA Updates; Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, UAE) @claralexlobo
Sébastien Bloc (Claude Galien Private Hospital – Quincy Sous Senart – Paris, France) @sebebloc
Julien Raft (Institut de Cancerologie de Lorraine, Nancy, France) @RaftJulien


Dear colleagues and friends,

COVID-19 has done it again!
We are facing a new wave of this terrible pandemic all over Europe.

We were hoping that with vaccines the number of cases would be under control and allow all of us to restart some of our basic life activities, like attending education and scientific meetings face to face!

We still believe that ESRA day is a great concept, allowing small gatherings with high scientific quality, clinical debate and hands on practice with local experts.

The European Day Committee worked hard to find the perfect programme to suit the needs and expectations of our members, for the upcoming edition of the ESRA day meeting, with a survey sent to ESRA members and friends, during November 2021.

Here are the results from this short survey of 6 questions  (307 replies received).

Most responders prefer to have live demonstrations from international speakers (69,4%), workshops with local experts (64,2%) and live demonstrations from local experts (43,3%), graphic 1. When asked about the use of Podcasts and pool interaction, there was a clear “yes” to keep these tools for future editions (> 80% of the replies). Considering the sessions chosen for 2022 ESRA day (graph 2) there was a clear preference for peripheral regional anaesthesia techniques, paraspinal blocks and obstetric anaesthesia updates. It was also clear the need for more hands-on sessions with workshops and hybrid meetings (graph 3).

Graph 1

Graph 2

Graph 3

The program prepared by the ESRA day Committee followed these directives, however, the date advanced (29th January 2022) was not possible to keep.

We hope we can meet and celebrate regional anaesthesia and pain therapy with live hands-on workshops and meeting local experts next Saturday March 19th 2022.

We have great expectations that the pandemic is under control and we can have a great ESRA day.

Topics: ESRA Day , European cities , Pain Medicine , Pain therapy , Regional Anaesthesia

ASRA-PM and ESRA's Path to Collective Success

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