5th ESRA Sunny Autumn Meeting - ESRA
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5th ESRA Sunny Autumn Meeting

This event has now ended


Conrad Algarve Hotel

Estrada da Quinta do Lago, 8135-106,

Quinta do Lago, Algarve, Portugal



Obstetric Anaesthesia – research into practice

This Monothematic ESRA Conference strives to combine state-of-the-art science with high-quality leisure to provide an authoritative and comprehensive update on the role of Obstetric Anaesthesia.

The conference consists of 5 days of lectures covering the most important developments in Obstetric Anaesthesia and finishing at lunchtime with ample time for enjoying the facilities of the resort hotel Quinta de Lago and the charms of the beautiful surroundings.

A look at the faculty list will show that each speaker is a well-recognized international authority on his or her topic. This outstanding faculty will focus on a comprehensive review of current issues in Obstetric Anaesthesia. Each expert is giving 4-8 lectures during the week ! It is rare that these experts are coming together in one place to share with you their expertise.

We look forward to seeing you in beautiful Algarve. This course has a limited number of places (max 125 places) and in previous years it was rapidly sold out ! So book early!


Chair: Marc van de Velde  MD, PhD; EDRA


Fees apply to payments received prior to the indicated deadlines.

Early Registration
Up to and including August 4, 2021
Late Registration
From August 5, 2021
Full Participants Non-member € 890 € 990
Full Participants Member * € 780 € 880
Special Offer for New Members & Renewing Members ***

Full Participant Including Discounted ESRA Membership

€ 880 € 980
Trainees (Students/Fellows/Nurses) Member ** € 580 € 680


* ESRA  Members who wish to benefit from the reduced registration rates must have renewed their membership for 2021 prior to registering to the workshop. In order to benefit from ESRA Membership reduced rate – please apply for membership at least 3 days prior to registration deadline.

** Residents/Trainees/Nurses – In order to benefit from the special fee, residents/trainees/nurses must have renewed their membership for 2021 prior to registering to the workshop.

***To learn more about the ESRA membership benefits access this link.

Fees for all Workshop Participants include:

  • Participation in all Scientific Sessions including hands-on workshops
  • Welcome reception, refreshments, light lunches and farewell reception
  • Workshop materials


Further to the ongoing pandemic situation in Europe, ESRA has to ask all participants and faculty members to bring either a proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test done within 48 hours prior arrival date.
Please check all other requirements to travel to Portugal at the date of the congress.


Payment of registration fees (in EUR) can be made as follows:

By Credit Card: Visa or MasterCard

By Bank Transfer (additional 30 EUR handling fee is required):

  • Please ensure that the name of the Workshop and of the participant are stated on the bank transfer.
  • Bank charges are the responsibility of the participant and should be paid at source in addition to the registration fees.

Please make drafts payable to:

KBC Grimbergen
IBAN No: BE72 7340 2880 9716

  • Registration will only be valid upon receipt of the full payment by the registration department according to the deadline indicated. An email confirming registration will only be sent after receipt of the required fees.
  • Outstanding payments will be collected on-site and charged with the on-site rate. A copy of the bank transfer (or other proof of payment) will be required in the event that registration fees were not credited to the Socity account on time.


All cancellations must be electronically mailed to office@esraeurope.org

Refund of registration fee will be as follows:

Note, in case of cancellation at any stage, a cancellation fee of EUR 30 will be applied and this bank transfer charge will not be reimbursed.

  • Cancellations received until and including August 4, 2021 – full refund
  • Cancellations received between August 5 to September 26, 2021 – 50% will be refunded
  • From September 27, 2021 – no refund will be made


ESRA Events

Tel: +41 22 510 56 10 I Fax: +41 22 510 56 14

E: events@esraeurope.org I W: www.esraeurope.org




Monday, 4 October 2021





Session 1: Labour analgesia

Chair: Prof. Marc Van de Velde

Session 1: Labour analgesia

Chair: Prof. Marc Van de Velde


Opening of meeting

Prof. Marc Van de Velde

Opening of meeting

Prof. Marc Van de Velde


Physiologic Changes associated with Pregnancy

Prof. Marc Van de Velde

Physiologic Changes associated with Pregnancy

Prof. Marc Van de Velde


Modern neuraxial labour analgesia: options for initiation

Prof. Brendan Carvalho (recorded)

Modern neuraxial labour analgesia: options for initiation

Prof. Brendan Carvalho (recorded)





Coffee break

Coffee break


Modern neuraxial labour analgesia: options for maintenance

Dr. Eva Roofthooft

Modern neuraxial labour analgesia: options for maintenance

Dr. Eva Roofthooft


Alternative strategies for labour analgesia: parenteral and inhalational analgesia

Prof. Marc Van de Velde

Alternative strategies for labour analgesia: parenteral and inhalational analgesia

Prof. Marc Van de Velde





Welcome reception

Welcome reception

Tuesday, 5 October 2021


Session 2: Anaesthesia for caesarean  section 1

Chair: Dr. Eva Roofthooft

Session 2: Anaesthesia for caesarean  section 1

Chair: Dr. Eva Roofthooft


Regional anaesthesia for elective and emergency CS

Prof. Marc Van de Velde

Regional anaesthesia for elective and emergency CS

Prof. Marc Van de Velde


Testing the block & managing breakthrough pain during CS with regional anaesthesia

Prof. Marc Van de Velde and Dr. Nuala Lucas

Testing the block & managing breakthrough pain during CS with regional anaesthesia

Prof. Marc Van de Velde and Dr. Nuala Lucas





Preventing spinal hypotension – theory and best practice

Prof. Marc Van de Velde

Preventing spinal hypotension – theory and best practice

Prof. Marc Van de Velde


Post CS analgesia

Dr. Eva Roofthooft

Post CS analgesia

Dr. Eva Roofthooft




Wednesday, 6 October 2021


Session 3: Anaesthesia for caesarean section 2

Chair: Dr. Nuala Lucas

Session 3: Anaesthesia for caesarean section 2

Chair: Dr. Nuala Lucas


General anaesthesia for elective CS – new perspectives

Dr. Nuala Lucas

General anaesthesia for elective CS – new perspectives

Dr. Nuala Lucas


Uterotonics – theory and best practice

Dr. Chris Elton

Uterotonics – theory and best practice

Dr. Chris Elton


Regional nerve blocks (TAP, QBL, ESP, rectus) for cesarean delivery

Prof. Brendan Carvalho (recorded)

Regional nerve blocks (TAP, QBL, ESP, rectus) for cesarean delivery

Prof. Brendan Carvalho (recorded)


Coffee break

Coffee break


Reducing CS rates: the anaesthetists role in external cephalic version and VBAC

Prof. Cynthia Wong (recorded)

Reducing CS rates: the anaesthetists role in external cephalic version and VBAC

Prof. Cynthia Wong (recorded)


Neurologic deficit in the post-partum woman

Case based panel discussion: Eva Roofthooft, Nuala Lucas and Marc Van de Velde

Neurologic deficit in the post-partum woman

Case based panel discussion: Eva Roofthooft, Nuala Lucas and Marc Van de Velde




Thursday, 7 October 2021


Session 4: Preventing problems & managing complications

Chair: Dr. Sarah Devroe

Session 4: Preventing problems & managing complications

Chair: Dr. Sarah Devroe


Managing the failing epidural catheter

Dr. Nuala Lucas

Managing the failing epidural catheter

Dr. Nuala Lucas


Post-dural puncture headache

Dr. Nuala Lucas

Post-dural puncture headache

Dr. Nuala Lucas


Managing the obese parturient

Dr. Chris Elton

Managing the obese parturient

Dr. Chris Elton





Coffee break

Coffee break


Cardiac disease in pregnancy

Dr. Chris Elton

Cardiac disease in pregnancy

Dr. Chris Elton


Pre-eclampsia – an update for anaesthetists

Dr. Nuala Lucas

Pre-eclampsia – an update for anaesthetists

Dr. Nuala Lucas




Friday, 8 October 2021


Session 5: Current challenges in obstetric anaesthesia

Chair: Prof. Marc Van de Velde

Session 5: Current challenges in obstetric anaesthesia

Chair: Prof. Marc Van de Velde


Lessons from maternal confidential death enquiries

Dr. Nuala Lucas

Lessons from maternal confidential death enquiries

Dr. Nuala Lucas


Thromboprophylaxis/coagulation problems and neuraxial anesthesia

Dr. Cynthia Wong (recorded)

Thromboprophylaxis/coagulation problems and neuraxial anesthesia

Dr. Cynthia Wong (recorded)





COVID19 – an update

Dr. Nuala Lucas

COVID19 – an update

Dr. Nuala Lucas


Coffee break

Coffee break


The fetal and neonatal neurodevelopmental effects of anaesthesia during pregnancy

Dr. Sarah Devroe

The fetal and neonatal neurodevelopmental effects of anaesthesia during pregnancy

Dr. Sarah Devroe


Anaesthesia during pregnancy for non-obstetric surgery

Dr. Sarah Devroe

Anaesthesia during pregnancy for non-obstetric surgery

Dr. Sarah Devroe


Expert panel discussion

Expert panel discussion


Marc Van De Velde 🇧🇪 – Conference Chair

Brendan Carvalho 🇺🇸

Sarah Devroe 🇧🇪

Chris Elton 🇬🇧

Nuala Lucas 🇬🇧

Eva Roofthooft 🇧🇪

Cynthia Wong 🇺🇸


Abstract Submission Deadline 10 June 2021 (Midnight CET)
Abstract submission Extended Deadline 15 June 2021 (Midnight CET)
Late Breaking Abstract Submission Opens 25 June 2021
Late Breaking Abstract Submission Deadline 30 June 2021 (Midnight CET)
Abstract Submission Notification* 30 July 2021
Early registration deadline 4 August 2021

*Note all efforts are made to send notification by the planned date. Should there be any delays with the selection process, revised date will be posted here.

Accreditation Statement and Credit Designation

The 5th ESRA SPRING MEETING, Quinta De Lago, Algarve, Portugal, 04/10/2021-08/10/2021 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 11 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at www.ama-assn.org/education/earn-credit-participation-international-activities.

Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.


Credit Breakdown

Each participant will claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

Day Maximum Credits
Monday, October 4, 2021 2
Tuesday, October 5, 2021 2
Wednesday, October 6, 2021 2
Thursday, October 7, 2021 3
Friday, October 8, 2021 2
Total Credits: 11


To Receive Your CME/CPD Certificate

The CME/CPD certificate will be available after completing the online evaluation and credit claiming procedure. The process takes about 5 minutes. We thank you for your feedback as it is an important part of CME/CPD accreditation and helps improve future educational offerings.

Before October 31, 2021:

1/ Access the online system via the link that will be shared after the event* Kindly note that the online evaluation​ will be sent by email a few days the Conference. 

– Please note that web browsers Mozilla Firefox 2.X or higher, or Google Chrome are recommended

2/ Complete the anonymous online evaluation

3/ The CME/CPD certificate will be sent in 24h time and will be available for download and/or print for your personal records


For booking accommodation in the ESRA Workshop partner hotel, Conrad Algarve, please fill out the Booking form and email it back to: conradalgarve.events@conradhotels.com

You can also book a reservation online on this link.

For more information please visit the hotel website.


The Algarve is the beautiful southern coastline of Portugal. It is a region blessed with stunning beaches, picturesque fishing towns and a glorious climate, all of which combine to create the perfect holiday destination. The Algarve is wonderfully varied, able to appeal to a wide cross-section of tourists; there are pristine beaches, water-parks, buzzing nightlife and historic towns for cultural tour.

For more travel info please visit: algarve-tourist.com

Algarve travel brochure can be downloaded: here



Getting to the Algarve

The Algarve can be easily reached from anywhere in continental Europe. A superb network of new motorways and dual carriageways allow for trouble free motoring through attractive areas of southern Portugal. Apart from major holiday periods there is not a problem with traffic congestion. The A22, also known as the Via Infante Sagres Spain is close to Lagos. Roads branch off to beaches, coastal towns and inland villages.

Air travel is certainly the most comfortable and fastest way to get to the sun drenched Algarve. Faro airport is only a few hours from most European destinations. Passengers using the airport as a gateway to the Algarve, will find a modern terminal building located only 4 kilometres from downtown Faro.

Travelling by train is also an option, since Portugal is part of the European rail network and can easily be reached from most of the European capitals.

Getting to the Algarve is part of what makes it one of Europe’s most fascinating holiday destinations. Whether you choose to arrive by plane, car, train or bus, you are bound to be received with a warming and welcoming spirit.

Airport Transfer

Faro Airport is the main international airport of the Algarve and southern Portugal.

The Conrad Algarve Hotel  is 20 minutes drive from Faro Airport.

Airport transfer to Algarve: you can book before your arrival by filling out the booking form, insert your flight details and you will immediately receive the confirmation by email: faroairporttransfersalgarve.com/en/hotel-conrad-algarve

Looking forward to welcoming you in Algarve!


ESRA Members

5th ESRA Sunny Autumn Meeting


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