ESRA day in the UAE - ESRA

ESRA Updates

January 2023 | Issue 11

ESRA day in the UAE

Clara Lobo (Editor of ESRA Updates; Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, UAE) @claralexlobo
Amar Salti (Pain Department of Cleveland Clinic, Abu Dhabi)


We are happy to announce that this year 2023, in Abu Dhabi we will celebrate Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy joining ESRA and Europe, next 28th January at the Rotana Beach Hotel, for the 6th ESRA day.

We are very excited to bring to you the 6th ESRA day, which program was carefully designed to touch every moment of the patient’s perioperative journey considering pain (acute, chronic and transitional):

– during the morning, we will start with several sessions to bring light and discuss every moment of the perioperative period, including the patient first contact with the Anaesthesiology Service – the pre-anaesthesia consult – and covering all other phases: intra and post-operative aeras, including the transitional and chronic pain aspects and the Ambulatory Service,

– to the afternoon, we offer a plethora of workshops to practice and improve your skills in Regional Anaesthesia with a well-known, experienced faculty.

Abu Dhabi will be the 1st city outside Europe to host the next ESRA day.
The registration is open!
You can check the specific program and register using the link:

This is a great opportunity to all interested in Acute and Chronic Pain, Regional Anaesthesia and Peri-operative Medicine to come together, attend high quality education event (DOH CME accreditation in process) and become an ESRA member with all benefits included (see here and register here.

See you there!

Topics: Abu Dhabi , Chronic Pain , ESRA Day , Regional Anaesthesia

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