Cadaveric Workshops in 2023 - ESRA

ESRA Updates

January 2023 | Issue 11

Cadaveric Workshops in 2023

Peter Merjavy (Craigavon Area University Teaching Hospital, Northern Ireland, UK) @PeterMerjavy
Paul Kessler (Orthopedic University Clinic, Frankfurt, Germany)
Andrzej Krol (St. George's Hospital, London, UK)


Cadaveric hands-on workshops have established firm place in the education of regional anaesthesia for various peripheral and central nerve block techniques as well as for chronic pain interventions. They are also required for passing the European Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia (EDRA) Part II – practical exam.

ESRA Chairs for cadaveric workshops for both regional anaesthesia and chronic pain prepared a list of official ESRA cadaveric workshops for year 2023. All workshops have evolved from anatomy teaching on purely formaldehyde dissected cadavers some 15-20 years ago to completely different format. Participants can learn the anatomy from interactive presentations including live demos of sono-anatomy presented by ESRA experts, practicing various techniques of needle guidance on phantoms and finally performing the actual blocks on soft embalmed or fresh frozen cadavers. Needling cadavers under ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance brings unique opportunity for the participants to practice multiple blocks under direct supervision of experts focusing not only on actual block performance, but also on ergonomics, verbal and non-verbal communication. Participants can also master their technique by performing the same block again and again until they get the right outcome. This can also be achieved for placing the perineural or fascial plane block catheters.

ESRA cadaveric workshops are extremely popular among anaesthesiologists practicing in Europe and many other countries across the globe. As they get fully sold out within weeks of opening registration, we strongly advice to book early to avoid any disappointment as the places are limited. ESRA will keep the number of participants in each group to maximum 8 people and often the group in subdivided to smaller parts in order to allow more hands-on experience for the participants.

Support of industry is very important part of cadaveric workshop education process. During the workshops, the participants have unique opportunity to practice on state-of-the-art ultrasound machines from different manufactures in the most realistic simulation environment possible. Other sponsors bring different regional anaesthesia equipment (needles, catheter kits, automated syringe driver unit with injection pressure limitation …) all for the practical use by course attendees. Interaction with the industry reps in real time during the workshop can answer many questions and gives opportunity to establish the important contacts for further cooperation.

In 2023 ESRA will offer following cadaveric workshops for regional anaesthesia and chronic pain:

  • 10th ESRA Pain CAD WS   1-2.March 2023       Innsbruck, Austria
  • 33rd ESRA RA CAD WS     3-4.March 2023       Innsbruck, Austria
  • 11th ESRA Pain CAD WS   14-15.June 2023     Innsbruck, Austria
  • 34th ESRA RA CAD WS     16-17.June 2023     Innsbruck, Austria
  • 20th ESRA Eastern Europe RA CAD WS 29-30.September 2023 Prague, Czech Republic
  • 3rd ESRA RA CAD WS      11-12.November 2023       Witten, Germany

ESRA will also offer 9 cadaveric workshops during the 6th World Congress of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine in Paris 6-9.September 2023. 7 workshops will be dedicated to regional anaesthesia and 2 to pain medicine. This will present unique collaboration of ESRA with other societies as the faculty for both RA and Pain workshops are carefully selected to include experts from all over the world.

In total, ESRA will offer place for 628 participants in 2023. 460 places for regional anaesthesia workshops and 168 places for pain medicine. We, as ESRA cadaveric workshop chairs are looking forward to meet you in one of our workshops in 2023 to share our enthusiasm and passion for regional anaesthesia and pain medicine.

Topics: Cadaver Workshop , ESRA Workshops

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